So the week when we were suppose to close on our house Sam had this great opportunity to go to Ecuador! He had a couple of hiccups getting there and they were not his fault may I add! Anyways, he left Monday early afternoon and was suppose to get there that night but he ended up getting there Tuesday evening. The plan was to get home Thursday but since Sam and his coworker got there so late they wanted to extend his stay. Unfortunately, he couldn't stay until Friday because of our house situation like we had to close by Saturday and with paperwork and such it would have taken a day. It was cutting it super close if he came home Friday! So Thursday he got here at 11 and we went to go sign papers we were so excited! I don't know if you saw but I had a couple selfie posts about buying a home haha. Sam was not happy with me because something happened Friday morning that almost lost us the house and then I had posted all over social media that we bought a house and blah blah blah! haha he was so stressed out! I really should've waited until we HAD the house. Thursday after we signed papers we went to go celebrate at the wonderful Cheesecake Factory! I've never been and it was so freaking good!! Also, Alaina was a doll! I have pictures that are just beautiful!

Love her face!
Blurry but she is a doll!
Friday evening we got THE CALL that the house was OURS! We were BEYOND EXCITED!
Teresa Snow
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